PSA For Multiple Oculus Device Owners

Duncan Uruchima
Oct 25, 2020
Difficult times await Oculus’ most loyal users

It appears that with the new requirement to link your oculus account to a Facebook account Facebook may inadvertently be punishing some of its most loyal customers. Beginning earlier this month Facebook began requiring linking your oculus account to your Facebook account to continue using their services, particularly social and online features. But WindowsCentral is now reporting that Facebook is banning accounts that are linked to more than one oculus device at a time. While this is certainly somewhat of an edge case it seems to punish those who have most heavily invested into the Oculus ecosystem purchasing multiple devices to be able to play with their friends and family.

As Oculus devices gain popularity and become more affordable it becomes increasingly likely that a household might have more than one oculus device. Frustratingly it appears that Facebook support is unable to provide solutions to those who previously had multiple devices and accounts and would now like to merge them. It seems every option available to individuals in this situation violate Facebook TOS one way or another.

Facebook for their part claims that requiring account integration improves the social aspects of VR gaming making it easier to find and play with friends while also combatting the issue of online trolls. However critics note that integrating these accounts is just a way for the tech giant to further tie users into their ecosystem and more easily track users habits and behaviors. In the end regardless of where you stand on the account integration, their implementation certainly appears to be lacking, and seems to hurt more than help their most devoted customers and users.



Duncan Uruchima

Software Engineering student who loves all things soccer, tech, pop culture, and travel related.